26th Feb 2016

So yesterday, after having tender breasts and a sudden dislike for the smell of FryLight cooking spray, Ashley and I decided to make the journey to Tesco and buy a ClearBlue pregnancy test (my period was due 24th Feb).

It came up positive! This was our first try! So the result just felt absolutely surreal.  There were also a few tears.

We felt the need to go back to Tesco and pick up another test, ‘just in case’.  This was also a positive.  Sitting on the bathroom floor with A waiting on the little digital test window to show ‘pregnant’ and then ‘1-2 weeks’ was just insane.  Good insane.

Now, I am a google-r, a researcher.  Always have been, it is actually annoying and takes up so much time and effort to ensure that I am getting the very best of whatever it is that I am looking into, but that it’s also affordable.  So the best that I can possibly afford.  It takes hours, sometimes days.

Being a crazy researcher, I looked into pregnancy at 1-2 weeks.  Never do this.  Chemical pregnancies and early miscarriage just seemed to keep popping up so today…I spent the entire day, every 20 mins, checking for blood, to see whether I had lost the baby.

This is going to be a long 9 months.